Birchas Hamazon holds unlimited power.
Take a look at just a few of the countless rewards we receive when we bentch with kavanah!
״ואכלת ושבעת וברכת את ה׳ אלהיך״
One must focus on this פסוק because it is the secret source of blessings
(Devarim 8:10)
Rabbeinu Bachei
If people sanctify themselves by saying Birchas Hamazon properly, "the food they eat will heal them of their illnesses."
Ma’or Vashemesh
(Parshas Mishpatim)
Birchas Hamazon contains all the letters of the Alef Beis except for the letter ף. This teaches us that those who say Birchas Hamazon with proper concentration will be spared from the angels of אף,שצף,קצף,אנף- anger, wrath, fury, and ire.
Sefer Harokeach #337
Birchas Hamazon holds incredible powers. Those who bentch with kavanah can ask Hashem for anything they need.
Sefer Hachinuch #430
I have a tradition from my teachers that anyone who is careful to fulfill the mitzvah of Birchas Hamazon is assured that he will find his livelihood in an honorable fashion his entire life.
Sefer Hachinuch #430
Rav Chaim Vital said that in reward for fulfilling the mitzvah of Birchas Hamazon, Hashem will open the trove of bounty for you and you will always be sustained through His generous Hand.
Sha’arei Kedusha
Vol 1, Unit 6
If someone always says Birchas Hamazon out loud, he will be granted a long life.
Kol Hachaim
Palachi, Page 117
Saying Birchas Hamazon from a siddur or bentcher with kavanah is מסוגל for having children and grandchildren who fear Hashem and are תלמדי חכמים.
Rebbe Shlomke of Zvhil
Metzuveh Ve’oseh, Page 311
Boaz was very careful to say Birchas Hamazon with kavanah and in that זכות, Hashem sustained the entire בני ישראל during the years of the famine.
The Alshich
Rus 3:7
The Chida writes that saying Birchas Hamazon out loud and with joy will likely cause one to become wealthy, as it says in Mishlei (10:22) "Hashem’s blessing makes one wealthy..."
Nitzotzei Orot al HaZohar
The Steipler said that children who are raised in a home where the mother says Birchas Hamazon out loud will have Heavenly protection from illnesses and accidents.
Tefillos V’chizukim
Page 87
The Maharil Diskin advised childless women to say Birchas Hamazon with kavanah and with a bentcher, adding that doing so can ward off terrible punishments.
Segulos Niflaos
Page 39
A woman came to Rav Shach after being married for several years without having children. He told her to make a kabbalah to always say Birchas Hamazon from a bentcher. Within a year, she gave birth to a healthy child.
Nachlas Moshe
Page 23
Anyone who recites Birachas Hamazon is blessed through it
Zohar (Parshas Terumah)
Page 169A
ואכלת ושבעת - “blessing” is in the “bread”
Devarim 11:15