There is one simple way to receive everything you daven for:
It’s kinda like a superpower…
but totally attainable for people like you and me!

bentch like a mentch!
just 3 minutesa day! major bracha overload!
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  • “My wife and I were trying to sell our house. We took it upon ourselves to bentch with kavanah for 40 days as a z’chus that we should find a buyer. On the 40th day of bentching, we closed escrow on our house. My story has inspired others as well to bentch with kavanah. Thank you for (re)introducing me to the concept of bentching! It works!”

    Hillel K., Ramat Beit Shemesh

  • “A few months ago, I decided to start bentching like a mentch after hearing about all the brachos and yeshuos that come from doing so. I had really never bentched with a bentcher before that. In the past few months, I have seen a tremendous amount of hatzlacha. I recommend BLAM! to everyone!”

    Avi H., Los Angeles

  • “My father, Mr. Moshe Bistricer, passed away at the age of 101. A Holocaust survivor, he was a disciplined man and always made sure to bentch with a bentcher. I’ve never seen him say birchas hamazon without one. He had hatzlacha in his life and great arichas yomim, and we’re sure that his commitment to bentch with kavanah gave him those great z’chusim.”

    Duvid Bistricer, Boro Park

  • “When I first heard about BLAM!, I decided to take upon the 40-day challenge. Though it took me a few tries to complete it, the bracha I saw was tremendous. I saw more success in one month than I have previously in a year. The opportunity to bentch with a bentcher has changed my life. I actually understand how I’m thanking Hashem, and the growth in emunah and bitachon has been tremendous. Thank you BLAM!”

    Daniel, Los Angeles

  • “I decided to try the 40 day BLAM! challenge even though I had been off carbs. Mid-challenge, I registered to bring my family to a hotel program. I was disappointed to learn that I needed to pay for 2 rooms because we were just one child over room limit. My 40th BLAM! day coincided with the first day of the program. On the last day of the program, the owner realized I paid for an extra room and surprised me with a full refund for that room. Wham-Bam! Thank you BLAM!”

    Aliza, Brooklyn

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Passionate Bentchers Who Have Experienced First-Hand The Power Of Bentching.

Our Mission Is To Educate The World About The Superpower Of Bentching And To Encourage Others To Bring Down Their Blessing

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